Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Start

After months of aggravation and getting the run-around and almost not having a place to live for a bit, we are now in our beautiful new apartment. We have been here for about 2 months and absolutely love it. We went from a itty-bitty 2 bedroom/1 bath to a much larger 2 bedroom/1.5 bath and all the wonderful storage space one would want. (Our storage space in the old place was the 2nd bedroom). All this space is going to really come in handy since Adam and I are expecting our first child in the Spring!
I am currently 15 weeks with a cute little belly. We had our second appointment yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat again. It was so much stronger and louder and much easier to find than the first time. I have had no morning sickness and have been feeling great that I sometime wonder if the little tyke is still in there doing its thing, so it was a great to hear that its little heart is good and strong.
I'm really excited to feel the baby move and have been told that it should be soon. I am disappointed though that I haven't been craving anything. When did some of you start feeling your baby move and what did you crave? Am I too late to get the cravings? I was soo excited for that part... sending Adam for random mid-night food runs and odd sandwiches and stuff. Maybe I'll just make some up to fill my silly void.


  1. Congrats! I felt Freddy move for the first time at 14 weeks and knowing him on the outside it makes perfect sense. HE IS CONSTANTLY KICKING! Just like when he was in my belly (I actually felt him move before that but this was the first time Burgess could feel it from the outside). When I was prego I craved candy and root beer, but it wasn't like GO RIGHT NOW AND GET IT, and my cravings didn't start until much later in my pregnancy. Good luck with everything!

  2. first off, i'm so glad you blogged. second, CONGRATS!!! this is so exciting!! i am so happy for you! enjoy this time because it is so special! i felt lucy move for the 1st time at 15 weeks. it was like a little flutter, then after that it turned into little bumps, then by the end, you'll be like.. argh! quit it already! but now i miss it. i was horribly sick for about 5 months, and i did crave things then because i couldn't eat much of anything without throwing up. the only things i DID want to eat were- cheese, olives, popcorn, rootbeer, and fruit snacks. when i started feeling better i didn't really crave anything. probably later on you will crave stuff. anyways, ahh! i am so happy for you! keep you blog posted!

  3. LOL... What is with the rootbeer? I'm excited that you guys felt your baby's so early. I hope it happens sooner than later for me too!

  4. Yay Megs! Your little belly is ADORABLE! I felt Lila right around 16 weeks and Dan was able to feel her around 18/19 weeks. My cravings were pizza and twizzlers and laster for the first 6 months! (Twizzlers were the the only things that didn't make me puke for the first 3). I am so happy that you have had such a wonderful pregnancy thus far! I hope that trend continues and you just said on through your delivery! Do you have your ultrasound appt yet??

  5. I have had cravings ever since I can remember, mainly chocolate and cookies. And I am not even pregnant!?! You be sure to let us know the moment it moves!
